Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

IELTS Module: What are the main Health Problems in your Country?

Speaking Module Part-3
What are the main health problems in your country?

Indonesia is a country located at the equatorial, tropical climate with two seasons: the rainy season and dry season.

In the rainy season, a lot of standing water (puddle) in clogged gutters, thus inviting mosquitoes to lay their eggs there. The result,  often arise dengue fever, cikungunya and diarrheal diseases, from eating foods that are not clean, because dirty water.

In the hot dry season, the immune system tends to decrease. In addition, dry air, reduced water resources, a lot of flies and dust. Skin and respiratory diseases that often appear in the season.

So that's some of the health problems that occur.

After: -- with colorfull expression --
Indonesia is a nation state that is located at the equatorial, tropical climate with two seasons: the wet season and dry season.

In the rainy period, a lot of standing water or puddle in blocked gutters, consequently fascinating mosquitoes to put down their seed there. The effect, repeatedly arise dengue fever, cikungunya and diarrheal diseases, from foodstuff that are not hygienic, because of dirty water.

In the hot dry term, the immune of human body system tends to dwindle. In addition, dry air, condensed water resources, a lot of flies and dust. Skin and respiratory diseases that often appear in that time.

So that's a few of the health problems that occur in my land.

Terjemahan dari Google Terjemahan yang disesuaikan dengan tata-bahasa sendiri,

Indonesia adalah negara yang terletak di katulistiwa, beriklim tropis dengan dua musim, yaitu musim hujan dan musim kemarau.

Di musim hujan, akan banyak air yang tergenang di selokan yang tersumbat, sehingga mengundang nyamuk untuk bertelur di sana. Di musim hujan sering timbul penyakit demam berdarah, cikungunya dan penyakit diare akibat memakan makanan yang tidak bersih, karena air yang kotor.

Di musim kemarau yang panas, daya tahan tubuh cenderung menurun. Selain itu, udara kering, sumber air berkurang, banyak lalat dan debu. Penyakit kulit dan pernafasan yang sering muncul di musim tersebut.

Jadi itulah beberapa masalah kesehatan yang terjadi.

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