Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

IELTS Module: What things to do people to protect their health?

Speaking Module Part-3
What things to do people to protect their health?

Start small, because of the small things that you become accustomed to this, such as cleaning hands before eating, used to drink water every day, avoid high cholesterol foods such as organ meats, padang food (many curry) and fried food.

Use a disposable cooking oil, because oil is used more than twice is not healthy, saturated fat will appear in there as the cause of cholesterol, do sports to move your body and do not forget to brush your teeth before bed.

It's the little things to do to protect your health.

After: -- with colorfull expression --
Start small, because of the small stuff, you turn out to be accustomed to those. Such as washing your hands before consume fare, habituate to gulp water every day, keep away from lofty cholesterol foods such as limb meats, padang cooking  and fried foodstuff.

Use a disposable cooking oil, because oil which is used more than two times is not healthy, saturated fat will materialize in there as the source of cholesterol, do exercise to shift your body and do not fail to remember to brush your teeth before bed.

It's a little things to do to protect your health.

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Hal apa yang harus dilakukan orang untuk melindungi kesehatan mereka

Mulailah dari yang kecil, karena dari hal-hal yang kecil inilah anda menjadi terbiasa, seperti membersihkan tangan sebelum makan, membiasakan minum air putih setiap hari, menghindari makanan yang berkolesterol tinggi seperti jeroan, makanan padang (banyak kare) dan gorengan.

Gunakanlah minyak goreng sekali pakai, karena minyak yang dipakai lebih dari dua kali adalah tidak sehat, lemak jenuh akan muncul di sana sebagai penyebab kolesterol, lakukan olah-raga untuk menggerakkan badanmu dan jangan lupa gosok gigi sebelum tidur.

Hal-hal kecil inilah yang harus dilakukan untuk melindungi kesehatan anda.

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